I am sitting here in a hotel room, while satan has made away with my children, well only poor Brooke right now, fortunately for J.T he turned 18 and is no longer required to do this mess. I am just about ready to explode, just being around her and seeing how well life treats her and what all she gets away with. Ugh....
O.k anywho, moving on, so officially last wednesday I started! I was so happy, that is until the pain started as well. But just being, feeling normal again for at least a week was great! So maybe finally the meds are helping me like the doctors said they would.
Follow along in the ups and downs of my battle with infertility! A word of caution before you proceed, this blog will be extremely honest and vivid in it's detail in how I deal with this horrible curse!
A Bit of Background
Hello, my name is Stephanie and I am 25 years old. I have been married for 4 years and my husband and I have been trying to concieve for 1 1/2 years. Thru my husbands first marriage we have 2 children, J.T (17) who is a senior in highschool this year and Brooke (13) who is in the 8th grade and both believe they know everything. Dealing with the infertility has really thrown me for a loop. Feel free to read along as I blog about my feelings and experiences, the good and the bad! This is me, finally, speaking my mind, so if there is something I say that you don't like, remember you don't have to read this! Feel free to comment on anything or send me some advice or your story of infertility here, my email or find me on facebook!
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