A Bit of Background

Hello, my name is Stephanie and I am 25 years old. I have been married for 4 years and my husband and I have been trying to concieve for 1 1/2 years. Thru my husbands first marriage we have 2 children, J.T (17) who is a senior in highschool this year and Brooke (13) who is in the 8th grade and both believe they know everything. Dealing with the infertility has really thrown me for a loop. Feel free to read along as I blog about my feelings and experiences, the good and the bad! This is me, finally, speaking my mind, so if there is something I say that you don't like, remember you don't have to read this! Feel free to comment on anything or send me some advice or your story of infertility here, my email or find me on facebook!

Sunday, October 17, 2010

So many things....

So here I am sitting in my living room watching a movie on netflix feeling some of the worst cramps I can remember, and for only the second time in my life I am actually excited at the thought that I may be getting ready to start my period! I used to dread the thought of this thing so many women see as a curse. For the women who get their period without any hesitation the thought of this is a horrible curse, taken for granted at the fact that at a moments notice you could become pregnant! People like me, who can't get their period without a doctors help thru medication or surgery, a monthly curse becomes a much missed blessing in disguise. I truly do hope that the pain is menstral, not just from the stupid PCOS.

I found out the other day that a 14 year old girl is having a baby! Really, I mean really!!!! What the junk, a 14 year old can get pregnant, whos body isnt really ready to have a baby, who can't even get a job to provide for her baby is able to get pregnant. I just don't understand. Anywho, moving on...at work our big boss decided to move my room to a smaller room and move another classroom into my room, because i am moving into a smaller room they needed to get rid of some of the numerous cribs that we had in there, so instead of giving them to good will or throwing them away we decided to give them to people who may want or need them. Its sad and hurts me to admit this, maybe wishful thinking i don't know, but I got one to bring home. I kept telling myself it was for my dog, its bigger than her cage ya know, but deep down, i think I may have brought it home for other reasons. Reasons a little too fresh and painful for me to write down in words, so you can just use your imagination. I feel so stupid every time I see it or think about it. Rediculous. I suppose if nothing happens for me before long I will give it to a good home! 
Thats all for now, I will definetly report as to whether or not I actually get my period or not. Heres hoping I do!!!

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